
Where are Cross Domain Solutions (CDS) used?


Cross Domain Solutions


Cross Domain Solutions are used where the risk of exposure of sensitive and classified information is high.

For example, in healthcare where a large amount of personal data is stored and access must be kept away from attackers; or in financial services where a bank needs to connect to its customers but simultaneously ensure that the back-end systems are kept separate to minimise the risk of cyber-attack.

Traditionally, CDS have been used in government applications for many years, but nowadays the falling cost makes them available to a wider range of applications.

Why is hybrid CDS better than conventional security solutions?

Conventional network security solutions can guard against most attacks, but against the most sophisticated attacks a hardware-based solution is required to guarantee the control of the data flows.

Hybrid Cross Domain Solutions surpass conventional security solutions by integrating both hardware and software components, combining the high security and control of hardware with the flexibility and adaptability of software. This hybrid approach provides a multi-layer defence, making it more effective against sophisticated cyber-attacks that might circumvent traditional methods. Additionally, hybrid CDS offer better performance and scalability, allowing for more efficient data flow management and seamless adaptation to evolving security requirements, while maintaining stringent control over data exchanges.

Managing cyber risks

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What is a Cross Domain Solution (CDS)?

A Cross Domain Solution (CDS) secures data transfer between different security domains using software, hardware, or hybrid methods.

Guidance regarding Cross Domain Solutions from NCSC and NSA

Cross Domain Solutions secure data with NCSC and NCDSMO guidance against various cyberattacks at all levels.

How to design the most optimal Cross Domain Solution (CDS)?

Oakdoor 10 Gigabit diode ensures high throughput for demanding applications, optimising integrated hardware/software CDS.

What do data diodes do?

Oakdoor data diodes prevent malware, unauthorised access, and leakage by enforcing one-way data flow, blocking attacks.

Oakdoor Data Diodes

Oakdoor Data Diodes guarantee a one-way data flow via hardware, as opposed to firmware or software.

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Whether to request a demo or discuss your cybersecurity requirements, we look forward to hearing from you.